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Grammar, Learn Italian

Today I want to tell you about the regular verbs in Italian. Specifically you’re going to learn 5 super common verbs and how to use them in the present tense.

We divide Italian verbs into two categories: irregular and regular verbs and the main difference is in the way you conjugate them.

In particular, the irregular verbs don’t follow a predictable pattern in their conjugation so you often need to know them by heart; some basic irregular verbs in Italian are ESSERE (to be), AVERE (to have) and FARE (to do). 

On the contrary, as you can guess from their name, the regular verbs follow a regular pattern in their conjugation.

They can fall into three different groups based on the way they end: the first category is for the verbs ending in “ARE”, the second for the ones ending in “ERE” and the third when the verb ends in “IRE”.

In this lesson, I’m showing you the verbs that belong to the first class, so they all end in “ARE”.


Here you are the list of popular verbs ending in “ARE” that belong to the first class of regular verbs in Italian.  

1 – PARLARE = to speak

2 – MANGIARE = to eat

3 – AMARE = to love

4 – GUARDARE = to watch

5 – ASCOLTARE = to listen

Watch the video to learn how to conjugate these Italian verbs and also how to use them in simple examplese.  

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