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Italian Vocabulary, Learn Italian

What words do you use to describe people?

How would you describe yourself?

Tall, short, slim, chubby, smart, … ?

In this lesson, you’ll learn 17 common Italian terms to describe yourself and people around you

Before we start, make sure you know how to conjugate the verb “to be” in Italian (essere) as it’s the one you’re gonna use for the purpose of this lesson!


If you want to describe people in Italian, first of all you’ll need to build your vocabulary around this topic.

This means that you must know some of the most popular Italian words used to tell if someone is tall, short, nice, good, bad, etc.

So how do you say these words?

I’ve listed 17 popular adjectives to help you with that! Let’s start …. 

#1 – ALTO/A

ALTO means tall. In the feminine you need to say ALTA. For example:

  • Luca e’ alto
  • Francesca e’ alta


BASSO is the opposite of “alto” and means short. If you’re talking about a girl/lady, you need to use the feminine which is BASSA. For example:

  • Mario e’ basso
  • Lucia e’ bassa


MAGRO is an adjective to refer to people that are thin or slim. The feminine form is with an “a” at the end: MAGRA.

  • Matteo e’ magro
  • Marta e’ magra


GRASSO is the opposite of “magro” and means fat. If it’s a women/girl who is overweight, you’ll have to say GRASSA.

  • Luigi e’ grasso
  • Alice e’ grassa

But a nicer word to say that someone is not very fit would be: CICCIOTTELLO or CICCIOTTELLA
You can say it when you talk about a person that’s a bit chubby.


BELLO can be used to say that someone is handsome while BELLA is the same but in the feminine form. 


BRUTTO is the Italian word for ugly. If it’s a lady that is a bit unattractive, you need to say BRUTTA. 


If you think that someone’s cute, but you’re not particularly impressed by their beauty, you can use the term CARINO instead of “bello”.

CARINA is the feminine form.  


SIMPATICO is for saying that someone is pleasant. 


ANTIPATICO is instead to tell that someone is not nice. 


DIVERTENTE is to describe a funny person.  


NOIOSO instead is for saying that someone is a boring.   


If you say that a person is GENTILE, you mean that he or she is kind.    

#13- BUONO/A

A good person in Italian can be described with the word BUONO or BUONA.    


If you think that someone is mean or have bad intentions, you can use the term CATTIVO or CATTIVA.   


If someone is TIMIDO means that they shy.    


ARROGANTE is used to describe a person that is arrogant.  


The word INTELLIGENTE means clever so you can use to speak about smart people.  

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